Monday, May 3, 2010

300 Squidoo Lenses by Christmas

Since my Christmas Amazon and Squidoo Earnings were so pleasantly big, I made a decision that I would build at least 5 new lenses a week. And I have been pretty successful. As of this moment I have 191 lenses. So I was thinking today that if I just average 3.5 lenses a week, I'll have 300 lenses by Christmas and thus, hopefully tripling my amazon and Squidoo Earnings. :)

So as I've been building these lenses, I've noticed that it is a little bit more difficult to keep track of them. So I have decided to post all of my new lenses here each week. This way as I refresh older lenses I can still keep track of my newer ones.

What are some of the tricks that you have found to keep track of your lenses?

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